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VA Disability Backpay Calculator

2024 VA Disability
Back Pay Calculator

When should your monthly benefit have been based on a higher overall rating?
What was the benefit rate the VA should have been paying you on this date?
What was the benefit rate you were actually receiving on this date?
Is there a stop date?
Leave empty to calculate until today’s date

Additional Factors

What was your marital status?
At this time did your spouse
require Aid and Attendance (A/A)?
Number of dependent parents:
Number of dependent children
under the age of 18:
Number of dependent children
in school between the ages of 18 – 23:
Disclaimer: This calculator is only meant to provide a quick estimate of potential combined rating awards. It is not intended to provide legal or financial advice, and it is not a guarantee of backpay awards. Also, please note that this calculator cannot calculate backpay estimates for effective dates prior to 1981, and it does not include Special Monthly Compensation.
